Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Anthony's movie review

Well i think that it was not to good of a movie first because um i don't really like the movie's plot or story .well i get the message but it should have been done much better and better actors and not just idain girl it should be about every girl because it i think that every girl should deserve to merry who she wants. now going back to the movie well i did not like it the message was good but not my style. even tho no one deserves that i think the movie should have been better why you ask?? because not only would we see the movie (which shule made us watch) a lot more other people would maybe understand that girls or women should be treated with respect all over the world people don't realize that if it wasnt for women we would be really shallow hahaha.....

well i don't recommend this movie to people how get bored fast and that don't have no closure i would give two big thumbs DOWN! well yup soo this is my blog (which shule also made me do) hahahah.


  1. this is really confusing i don't understand ANYTHING your trying to say

  2. I couldnt really understand what you what trying to say or what your point was.. I think you were trying to be funny. Not doing you assignment .

    Jahaziel Hernandez

  3. what was the focus of this comment? it's just confusing and there's not a main point in the whole thing...

    | Juann |

  4. i agree with you completely about woman being treated
    with respect. i really liked your blog you stated your
    opinion doesn't matter what all these other people
    have to say its your opinion and you can stick to it:)

  5. I agree with you and samantha women should get treated with more respect.

    Tangi Giron

  6. thanks yeah we do need be treated with more respect thanks lol _natalia_
